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How to find winning products for Drop shipping business in 2022?

What to sell is one of the biggest questions you'll be asking yourself when building your dropshipping business. How do some dropshippers end up making 6-7 figures while others have big, fat zero? It boils down to having winning products.

What is Winning Product

A winning product is a product that is consistently profitable on purchase conversion on any platform you are optimizing for purchase. They are products that are different, unique, solve human problems, and have no advertising restrictions.

In this article, we will answer a common dropshipping FAQ: “How can I find winning products?” Continue reading to unveil the step-by-step guide that teaches how to find the best dropshipping products in 2022 to make a real living out of your dropshipping business and online store.


This might sound quite simple, but you have to start somewhere. So, get a piece of paper and a pen, and write down everything that pops into your mind. It can be products you are passionate about, trending products, products that you use, or products that you saw on your socials lately. If you need inspiration, browse other popular shops and check out Amazon's bestseller list or go to see products that are listed on Oberlo's what to sell list. Try to get a wide range of products. This will assist you to get a feeling of which niches work, and which don't for your dropshipping business.

Check Out Trending Products

For you to find winning products, you've got to find products that are trending. Once you do that, you will be able to establish a store before your competition does, and become a leader in that niche. You'll have the services and expertise ready when customers are looking for it. A good sources to find these products are Amazon, Google Trends, Cool Hunting, Treadhunter, etc. Amazon is the Google of the e-commerce or dropshipping world.

According to the data from eMarketer, Jeff Bezos' empire controls almost 40% of US e-commerce. Therefore, it only makes sense to look at this platform for product trends. As for Google Trends, it will give you the perfect idea of how popular a product at the moment is, and how much potential there is for future sales.

Narrow Down Your Ideas

By now, you would have a long list of great ideas for your dropshipping. Unfortunately, not all the items are suitable for this type of business model. That's why you have to sort them out and find the best ones. You can do this by checking out “What's Hot on eBay?” on eBay Watch Count. That way, you'll be able to filter out unnecessary ones and get a glimpse of the ones that would work out.


This depends on the market you are selling your products. While a 50 USD product might not be expensive in Australia, it might be a lot of money in India. Expensive products might make more profit per unit. Meanwhile, you need to put in the effort to sell them. On the other hand, cheap products often have a way better conversion rate, but you might not make much profit. So, you have to find the sweetest spot in the middle, by playing around a bit, and see what works best for you. Find out at what price you have a good conversion, cover all your costs, and make enough profit. I suggest you start with a profit margin of 25% to 50% per product. That should make enough to re-invest and shouldn't make it too hard to sell the product.

Shipment Criteria

Try to keep it as simple as possible. Winning products are easy to ship. Do yourself a favor by making sure your products are fairly easy to ship. Consider the size and weight of your products when narrowing down your list. If they are hard to pack and expensive to ship, your customers will not be too happy about paying extra for them. Customers love free deliveries and want their order(s to get to them as fast as possible.


Finding a winning product for your dropshipping business requires you to get a reliable supplier. So, before you create a detailed plan for your product, do your research and contact potential manufacturers or retailers. Check their pricing and logistic conditions. See if you can get reviews about them to find out how reliable they are. You can use platforms like Oberlo and AliExpress. They are popular and have high-quality products you can choose from.


The key to building a successful dropshipping business is selling niche products that are trending. From all that was discussed, you will discover that the main secret ingredient to finding winning products comes down to research. If your goal is to find and sell winning products, you need to do your homework well, do some competitor research, and monitor what customers are talking about online. By paying attention to all these, you'll inch closer to finding high-performing winning products for your dropshipping business.



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